Introducing the software product brings increased flexibility – allowing customers alternatives when building their networks and managing IT resources. With this product, customers can utilize the server hardware of their choice. It is also possible to utilize virtual machine capacity, i.e. using servers managed by third parties, such as data center operators. As ARM600SW is available as a software product, customers only need to increase performance capacity to fit it into their IT infrastructure.
The ARM600 gateways are powerful tools to manage communication networks and Arctic devices in the field. With the gateways customers can perform updates on their field devices remotely in a flexible and secure manner, as the communication between the control room and the devices on the field is done over the Internet and mobile networks, VPN tunnels and internal firewalls. Further, the ARM600 gateways offer centralized access for management and operability, built-in tools for troubleshooting, easy system backup and restoration, and condition monitoring of the mobile network connection status and quality.