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MIWC 2019 CTI Workshop Digital Transformation in water Industry

MIWC 2019 Workshop Digital Transformation for Water Utility

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MIWC 2019 Workshop Digital Transformation
for Water Utility


The most excited part of MIWC 2019, is to collaborate with AVEVA and YNY  Technology on an event organized by MWA  about Digital Transformation for Water Utility Operators Workshop  on Day 3  – 03 October 2019. 

MIWC 2019 CTI Workshop Digital Transformation in water Industry

This workshop held to achieve operational excellence and digitally transform the water & wastewater operations.  

Water management is one of the key components for digitalisation and improvement, as Malaysia looks to accelerate efforts in reducing non-revenue water (NRW), revitalise water infrastructure and services in urban areas, and new water infrastructure in rural areas. 

Digital transformation is not only about driving innovation across the assets and operational lifecycles. It is also about adapting how the people work to drive operational efficiency to enhance service levels, improve asset reliability, minimise unplanned downtime, and increase safety. We will have our speakers from Industries Expert to share the Overview of Digital transformation in the Water and Wastewater Industry:    

  1. AMIT THAKARE: Director, Business Development Director, Water and Wastewater Industry, AVEVA   
  2. CHAI KIM CHEN: Director, CTI Resources Sdn Bhd 
  3. KESHVINDER SINGH: Consultant Smart Water,  AVEVA 
  4. FAKHRI NORDIN: Principal Consultant, AVEVA 
  5. GARY KONG WAI KEAT: Cybersecurity Consultant, YNY Technology Sdn Bhd 

Programme Flow 

(IEM CPD Hours Applied & HRDF Claimable) 

 Time  Programme 
0830  Registration 
0900  Overview of Digital Transformation in the Water & Wastewater Industry
by Amit Thakare, AVEVA 
 0930  Achieve an Integrated Operation for the Entire Water Value Chain
by Chai Kim Chen, CTI Resources Sdn Bhd 
1000  Digitilise the Water Network
by Amit Thakare, AVEVA
 1030  Tea Break 
1045  Demonstration of Water Network Operations, Optimisation, Simulation and Prediction of Water Network
by Amit Thakare, AVEVA and Keshvinder Singh, AVEVA 
1145  Deliver Value for Asset Performance Management
by Fakhri Nordin, AVEVA 
 1245  Lunch 
1400  Keeping Pace with Digital Command Centre
by Chai Kim Chen, CTI Resources Sdn Bhd 
1500  Cybersecurity: Secured Your Infra against Vulnerability
by Gary Kong, CTI Resources Sdn Bhd 
1530  Conclusion & Online Evaluation 
1545  Token Appreciation & Group Photo
1600  Tea Break and Adjourn 
*Programme is subject to changes. (updated as of 5 September 2019) 


Join this workshop to learn how to take advantage of the speed, agility, and efficiency of modern technologies such as cloud, Industrial IoT, artificial intelligence, and augmented & virtual reality to rejuvenate the water facilities.  

If you are interested, do register yourself here: 

Shall you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact any of us:
 Jenice | or Puteri |   

See you soon!  

CTI MIWC Water Transformation Showcase Solution

MIWC 2019: Unified Command Center Solution

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MIWC 2019: Unified Command Center Solution


Unified Command Centre

Are you facing challenges? 

“Silo” Systems and not connected? Poor visibility of the entire Water Value Chain? Unable to reduce water loss/leakage?   

Come over to MIWC 2019 and visit us at Hall 2, Level 1, Booth 061. It will be a highly interactive and informational booth highlights featuring Demo of Unified Command Centre (UCC) for your Digital Transformation needs with Water Network Management, Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, Asset Performance Management, Edge Computing & Fault Tolerance Server, and Augmented Operator Advisor & IIoT enabled Drives.  

CTI MIWC Showcase Solution

Our Unified Command Center (UCC) solution integrates IT and OT applications with industry-specific capabilities, significantly reducing the implementation time addressing the IT and OT convergence problem through situational awareness. The UCC is the foundation for real-time operational performance management in your water value chain by providing close-loop enterprise-wide visibility to optimize assets and operations. It provides measurement and reporting capability by monitoring, communicating, and tracking KPIs. Operational measures such as yield, throughput, utilization, etc. can be calculated from the plant level down to the asset level.  

It provides an enhanced layer of intelligence ensuring that an organization’s data works in service to organizational goals. Unified Command Centre offering consists of tightly coupled modules: 

  • Beyond SCADA 
  • Data Analytics 
  • Asset Performance Management 
  • Cyber Security 
  • Workflow Management 

Don’t forget to join us on 1st – 3rd October 2019 (Tuesday – Thursday) to learn the overview of Digital transformation in the Water and Wastewater Industry! It allows owners of real-world cases to connect with suppliers of innovative solution. By bringing together, we can achieve real breakthroughs!  

Find out more: 

MIWC CTI Unified Command Centre 2019

Malaysia International Water Convention 2019  

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Malaysia International Water Convention 2019


MIWC CTI Unified Command Centre 2019


It is an honour for us, CTI Resources to participate in Malaysia International Water Convention (MIWC 2019) held on 1st – 3rd October 2019 at Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC). Visit our Booth #061 to get a glimpse of what we offer in Digital Transformation for Water Value Chain! 

MIWC CTI Floor Plan

Do you know? Water demand in Asia is growing more than half by 2050. This will leave up to 3.4 billion people facing water insecurity. Hence, MIWC 2019 is an opportunity to see how our growing technologies can help you transform your business for sustainable success CTI Resources aspiring to be the market leader for Solution Provider in Industry 4.0. We aim to drive industrial companies to make smarter and faster business decisions towards value-driven growth.  

Water convention CTI Resources

It’s been 27 years since Malaysian Water Association debuted its first Water Malaysia exhibition and conference, an international event that encompasses across the water cycle. This year, you would be able to meet up to 4,500 water professionals from 34 countries. It is your one-stop for inspiration, insights, showcases and new connection. MIWC offers an inspiring combination of programme catering to the varied sector: Water Utilities CEO Summit, MIWC Conference, MIWC Exhibition & Water Loss Asia Exhibition, and Workshops.  

In partnering with the leading water segment expert and representatives from Schneider Electric and AVEVAwe participated in the MIWC Conference with the topic of “Digital Transformation in Water Utilities with Integrated Command Centre”. Don’t miss out this great opportunity to understand more from our expert!  

Join us on 1st – 3rd October 2019 (Tuesday – Thursday) to learn the overview of Digital transformation in the Water and Wastewater Industry! It allows owners of real-world cases to connect with suppliers of an innovative solution. By bringing together, we can achieve real breakthroughs!  

Find out more: 

CTI Resources FMM Industry 4.0 Conference: Reimagining the Manufacturing Experience 

FMM Industry 4.0 Conference: Reimagining the Manufacturing Experience

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FMM Industry 4.0 Conference: Reimagining the Manufacturing Experience


It is an honour for CTI Resources to participate FMM Industry 4.0 Conference 2019; Reimagining The Manufacturing Experience this 26 September 2019 at Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa.  

CTI Resources FMM Industry 4.0 Conference: Reimagining the Manufacturing Experience 

One of the key components in the Fourth Industrial Revolution is Internet of Things (IoT). The implementation of IoT act as an enabler for the cyber-physical systems in today’s manufacturing industry. The cyber-physical systems are responsible in creating integrated communications between the real physical world to the cyber world. Information from real world are firstly converted into digital format that can be further processed and ready for manipulation by various complex business process systems and autonomous decision-making application and for human to make sense out of them. 

stratus server edge computing

Digital Transformation is becoming a necessity for business operations. Its impact is particularly felt when automation systems and plant assets become a part of the initiatives. For these systems, it is Edge Computing that bridges the gap between sensor-enabled assets and cloud-based analytics. Due to this, it’s important to understand the essential elements for Digital Transformation at the edge and plant, key architectural principles, and how to plan for a successful edge computing implementation.  

Stratus Always-On Infrastructure for IIoT combines continuous availability and virtualization through operational and maintenance visibility can results in the availability increasing, the more downtime can be reduced and increasing in system profitability. Meanwhile Cybersecurity defense your organization against advanced cyberattacks that aren’t commonly detected by traditional security solutions.  

cyber security virsec cti resources

Advanced technologies make an organization most vulnerable and the impact is invariably devasting. That is unless security solutions are as innovative and robust as the technology itself. Virsec Security Platform (VSP) does more than detecting attacks. It delivers a comprehensive cybersecurity for SCADA, HMI and Operation Technology to heighten industrial defense against sophisticated, seemingly indefensible attacks at near 100% accuracy. Because of its accuracy, VSP can automatically take surgically precise protection actions within milliseconds to terminate rogue processes, disconnect specific rogue users, restore corrupted libraries, or signal network tools like firewalls or WAFs to disable attackers at the network perimeter. Virsec provides full-stack visibility across the entire application surface area and effectively hardens automated industrial processes, control systems, and management interfaces, from the inside to avert substantial damage and mounting losses.  

This informative info will be presented by our Special Industry expert all the way from the US – Mr Saurabh Sharma, Vice President of Business Development to present Cybersecurity: Protecting ICS/CI From Cybertattacks. 

Visit us at Level 15, Booth No: 13, it will be a highly interactive and informational booth highlights the features of Always On: Edge Computing and Cybersecurity: A Global Threat That We Can ControlThrough this programmeyou will be exposed with firsthand experience of implementing industrial IoT application using Sensors and IoT Gateway.  

Find out more here:

See you soon! 

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