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Powered by AI Technology for Optimized Energy Management

AI Technology vs. Traditional Energy Management Systems

Why AI Technology is Superior?

Traditional Energy Management Systems:

  • Reactive Approach: Reactive approaches typically rely on historical data and manual intervention to manage energy usage, often reacting to issues after they occur.
  • Limited Insights: Basic energy usage data is provided without advanced analytics, limiting the ability to make proactive improvements.
  • Manual Monitoring: Continuous manual monitoring and adjustments are required, which can be time-consuming and prone to human error.
  • Static Control: Utilize predefined rules and settings, lacking the flexibility to adapt to dynamic changes in energy demand and supply.

AI-Powered GoDigital EMS+:

  • Proactive Management: AI algorithms continuously analyze real-time data to predict and prevent issues before they occur, enabling proactive energy management.
  • Advanced Analytics: Provide deep insights through advanced data analytics, identifying patterns and trends that help optimize energy usage.
  • Automated Insight: Based on real-time data, automatically empowers the user with insight for energy and operational optimization. 
  • Adaptive Learning: AI technology adapts to changing conditions, continuously learning and improving its efficiency in managing energy consumption.

Key Advantages of AI-Powered Systems

Predictive Analytics

Use machine learning to forecast energy demand and optimize energy supply, reducing costs and improving efficiency.

Enhanced Accuracy

AI systems reduce human error, providing more accurate and reliable energy management.


Easily scalable to handle large amounts of data and complex energy management requirements in diverse manufacturing environments.

Energy Efficiency

Maximize energy efficiency by dynamically adjusting to real-time conditions, leading to significant cost savings and sustainability improvements.

Are you facing Energy Costs rising and impacting Overall Profitability?

CTI Resources offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to reduce energy consumption, optimize equipment utilization, and enhance electrical network reliability. By combining industry expertise with performance benchmarks, diagnostic tools, and analytics, we help you drive portfolio and business improvement.

Our Energy Intelligence dashboard provides a real-time overview of all your plants, allowing you to monitor Energy KPIs effectively. By integrating all your sites that produce energy from multiple sources, we enhance visibility into energy consumption and costs, consolidating all information into a single, user-friendly dashboard.

We understand that you are facing the challenges of:

  • NO Real-Time monitoring on Energy consumption
  • NO single platform to capture and analyze historical and real-time energy consumption data
  • NO Actionable insights to drive effective energy insights programs that can be measured and benchmarked from the production floor
  • NO Visualization cross-enterprise, energy and sustainability information to improve corporate transparency

How Does it Solve the Challenge?

Ensure Peak Performance and Efficiency

Transforming Manufacturing with Energy Intelligence

Enhanced Efficiency: Identify energy inefficiencies in manufacturing processes and implement improvements to reduce waste and costs.

Predictive Maintenance: Use historical data to predict and prevent equipment failures, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

Process Optimization: Analyze energy consumption patterns to optimize manufacturing processes and improve overall production efficiency.

Resource Allocation: Allocate energy resources more effectively by understanding high energy-consuming areas and adjusting operations accordingly.

Historical Data and Trends

Access detailed reports and trends to identify inefficiencies and potential improvements in your energy consumption.

Actionable Insights

Visualize your energy performance with analytical reports that offer actionable insights.

High Energy User Tracking

Identify and monitor high energy-consuming devices or processes, and pinpoint unnecessary load operations.

Root Cause Analysis

Perform in-depth analysis to determine the causes of high energy usage

Operational Efficiency Integration

Combine operational data with energy usage information to promote energy-saving activities.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Make informed decisions based on comprehensive energy data analytics.

Maximum Demand Management

Understanding Maximum Demand

The highest level of electrical power demand recorded over a specific period, typically measured in kilowatts (kW). It represents the peak load that a facility or operation requires from the power supply system. Managing this demand is crucial to avoid overloading the system and incurring higher energy costs.

Managing Maximum Demand

  • Capacity Planning: Ensure your energy infrastructure can meet peak demand periods without overloading the system, preventing outages and ensuring continuous operations.
  • Energy Usage Patterns: Analyze and understand energy usage patterns to identify times of peak demand, enabling better planning and resource allocation.
  • Demand Side Management: Optimize how and when energy is used, encouraging shifting of energy-intensive activities to off-peak periods to reduce costs and strain on the energy grid.
  • Load Shifting and Shedding: Implement strategies such as load shifting (moving tasks to off-peak times) and load shedding (temporarily reducing non-essential energy consumption) to maintain smoother operations and consistent energy usage.

Why Managing Maximum Demand is Crucial for Manufacturing

  • Cost Efficiency: High maximum demand can increase energy costs due to demand charges. By managing and reducing peak demand, manufacturers can significantly lower their energy bills.
  • Operational Stability: Consistent and reliable energy supply is essential for manufacturing processes. Effective demand management prevents overloading and potential outages, ensuring smooth operations.
  • Equipment Longevity: Reducing peak loads can decrease wear and tear on equipment, leading to longer lifespans and lower maintenance costs.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Effective demand management can help companies comply with energy regulations and standards, avoid penalties, and enhance their operational reputation.


  • Cost Savings: Reduce energy costs by managing and optimizing energy usage during peak demand periods.
  • Operational Stability: Maintain consistent energy usage and prevent disruptions during peak times.
  • Sustainable Practices: Reduce overall energy consumption and enhance sustainability efforts.

Achieving Smart Manufacturing with GoDigital EMS+

Crucial for the Future of Smart Manufacturing

Why GoDigital EMS+ is Essential for Smart Manufacturing:

  • Integrated Intelligence: GoDigital EMS+ integrates AI technology to provide intelligent analysis and optimization insight of energy usage, aligning with the principles of smart manufacturing.
  • Real-Time Monitoring and Notifications: Continuous monitoring and real-time data analytics enable quick responses to energy demands and operational changes, ensuring optimal performance. Notifications are easily customisable to be channeled to phone messaging applications. 
  • Automation and Control: Automated energy management processes reduce manual intervention, increase efficiency, and support the automation goals of smart manufacturing.
  • Sustainability and Efficiency: By optimizing energy usage, manufacturers can achieve higher sustainability standards and operational efficiency, essential components of smart manufacturing.

Benefits for Smart Manufacturing:

  • Improved Productivity: Enhanced energy management leads to more efficient manufacturing processes, boosting overall productivity.
  • Reduced Operational Costs: Lower energy costs and reduced downtime contribute to significant cost savings.
  • Enhanced Competitiveness: Efficient and sustainable practices position manufacturers as leaders in the industry, enhancing competitiveness.
  • Future-Proof Operations: Implementing advanced energy management solutions prepares manufacturers for future technological advancements and regulatory changes.

ESG - Environmental, Social, and Governance

Promote Sustainability and Compliance

Community Impact: Transparent and sustainable energy practices positively impact the broader community, showcasing the organization as a responsible corporate citizen.

Governance: Transparent reporting and robust energy management practices enhance credibility with stakeholders and improve operational resilience.

Transparency: Provide stakeholders with clear and accurate reports on energy usage and sustainability efforts.

Resilience: Improve operational resilience against energy price volatility and supply disruptions, ensuring stable operations.

Environmental: By using GoDigital EMS+, organizations can significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Efficient energy use minimizes environmental impact, contributing to global sustainability goals.

Compliance: Adopting robust energy management practices ensures compliance with environmental regulations and governance standards, avoiding penalties and enhancing reputation.

Sustainability: Promote sustainable operations through efficient energy use, reducing waste and conserving resources.

Social: Efficient energy management improves workplace conditions, such as better lighting and HVAC, enhancing employee well-being and productivity.

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